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Gwahoddwyd y cyfranogwyr i rannu teimlad, cerdd, neu air sengl yn ddienw sy’n adlewyrchu eu profiadau personol o iechyd meddwl.

Yna cafwyd ymatebion gweledol i'r cyflwyniadau dethol.

Diolch i bawb sydd wedi rhannu Eich Stori, Eich Geiriau.

"Perpetually wandering, light headed yet heavy footed and heavy hearted on this slow, vibrating stage."

- anonymous  

"The hardest days are the ones where you have to fill your own emptiness. But when you can, it is worth the effort."

- anonymous  

"I pray for the day I feel like me again, a clear mind without any clutter."

- anonymous  

“A shadow attached to your soul forever that you can never cut away.”

- anonymous  

"Million voices in my head talking loudly, a bad dream whilst being awake."

- anonymous

“Suffocating and obliterating my state of being.”

- anonymous  

“I feel like a fraud. Unfixable and unable to truly fit in, be authentic.”

- anonymous  

“Luckily a friend was there who saved my life.”

- anonymous  

“I wish I was on the right track.”

- anonymous  


- anonymous  

“The feeling of being pulled down into a black abyss but having to carry on.”

- anonymous  

“Why can’t I press fast forward and be in a better place?”

- anonymous  

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