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Participants were invited to anonymously share a feeling, poem, or single word reflecting their personal experiences with mental health.

Selected submissions then received visual responses.

Thank you to all who have shared Your Story, Your Words.

"Perpetually wandering, light headed yet heavy footed and heavy hearted on this slow, vibrating stage."

- anonymous  

"The hardest days are the ones where you have to fill your own emptiness. But when you can, it is worth the effort."

- anonymous  

"I pray for the day I feel like me again, a clear mind without any clutter."

- anonymous  

“A shadow attached to your soul forever that you can never cut away.”

- anonymous  

"Million voices in my head talking loudly, a bad dream whilst being awake."

- anonymous

“Suffocating and obliterating my state of being.”

- anonymous  

“I feel like a fraud. Unfixable and unable to truly fit in, be authentic.”

- anonymous  

“Luckily a friend was there who saved my life.”

- anonymous  

“I wish I was on the right track.”

- anonymous  


- anonymous  

“The feeling of being pulled down into a black abyss but having to carry on.”

- anonymous  

“Why can’t I press fast forward and be in a better place?”

- anonymous  

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